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26 January 2024

B&M Delighted to Announce New Discount Store in Washington

B&M are thrilled to announce the opening of a brand-new store in Washington! Officially opening at 8am Friday the 26th of January customers can expect to find a wide variety of branded groceries for the best possible price.

25 January 2024

B&M Thrilled to Announce Brand New Store in Stourbridge

B&M are thrilled to announce the launch of its brand-new store on High Street, Stourbridge. The launch of this store will create 44 jobs for local people.

25 January 2024

B&M Announce Opening of New Solihull Store

B&M are excited to announce the opening of a new bargain discount store in Solihull. The new store opened at 8am Thursday 25th January and will provide over 22,000 sqft of big brands at the best prices.

18 January 2024

B&M Thrilled to Announce Brand New Store In Portmadog

B&M are thrilled to announce the grand opening of a new B&M store on Madoc Street, Portmadog. B&M have completed extensive refurbishment to produce a 16,000sqft B&M store filled with big brands at even better prices.

02 December 2023

B&M Excited to Announce Grand Opening of New Titchfield Store

B&M are thrilled to announce the launch of a brand-new store and Garden Centre in Titchfield, Fareham. Customers can expect to find a wide variety of branded groceries for the best possible price including a range of food, drink, and pet food.

25 November 2023

B&M Excited to Announce Brand New Store & Garden Centre in Franklin Mews, Northwich

B&M are proud to announce the opening of this store will create 50 jobs, boosting the local economy.

23 November 2023

B&M Opens Brand New Store in Teesside Shopping Park, Thornaby

In a welcome boost to the local economy, the new store will create more jobs for local people.

10 November 2023

B&M Cramlington Store Reopens After Relocation & Refurbishment

On the 11th of November B&M was excited to open the new relocated Cramlington store. With a larger 21,00 sqft floorspace and 3,800 sqft garden centre, you'll find all the biggest and best bargains you need!