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Inspire Me

28 July 2020 - Health & Wellbeing, Inspire Me

Ride Guide: 6 of the Best Bike Routes in the UK

What better way to enjoy the outdoors than to hop on your bike and sample incredible views along some stunning cycling routes? Here's a pick of our favourite bike rides from around the UK.

29 May 2020 - Ideas & Inspiration, Inspire Me

Father's Day Gifts Your Dad Will Love

With Father's Day approaching, you'll want to start thinking about what you can buy the main man in your life. Stuck for ideas? Check out our Father's Day buying guide!

11 March 2020 - How to, Ideas & Inspiration, Inspire Me

3 Fabulous St Patrick's Day Recipes

With St Patrick's Day one of the most celebrated days of the year, why not enjoy it with some delicious, home cooked bakes?

09 March 2020 - Garden & Outdoor, Ideas & Inspiration, Inspire Me

Our Favourite Garden Furniture Buys for Summer 2020

With the weather slowly warming up, it means that spring is just around the corner. Time to transform your outdoor space with B&M's beautiful garden furniture.

18 February 2020 - Ideas & Inspiration, Inspire Me

The Top 4 City Breaks within 2 hours of the UK

Discover the best European cities to visit for a short weekend - all within a two-hour flight! And travel in style with our latest luggage designs.

14 February 2020 - Garden & Outdoor, Ideas & Inspiration, Inspire Me

Light Up Your Garden With Our Stunning Solar Lighting Range

Thinking about decorating your garden with spring not too far away? Add some sparkling lights to your outdoor space with our stunning range of solar lighting!

10 February 2020 - Home, Ideas & Inspiration, Inspire Me

3 Deliciously Different Pancake Day Ideas

With Pancake Day just round the corner, why not try out both sweet and savoury toppings and batters to mix things up a bit?

31 January 2020 - Ideas & Inspiration, Inspire Me, Saving Money

Love for Less: 9 Valentine's Day Gifts That Won't Break the Bank

Valentine's Day is coming up, so get yourself ready and start looking for the perfect gifts for your partner! Not sure what to buy? B&M is here to help!