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Health & Wellbeing

26 January 2021 - Health & Wellbeing

Wellbeing Advice: Tips for Looking After Yourself

Here at B&M HQ, we've put together a few simple wellbeing tips to help you look after the most important person in your life: you

05 January 2021 - Health & Wellbeing, Top Tips & Tricks

Clean & Protect: Best Personal Hygiene Techniques to Keep You Safe

From hand washing techniques to cleaning essentials, take a look at our best tips and advice for keeping you and others safe.

01 January 2021 - Health & Wellbeing, Saving Money, Top Tips & Tricks

Tips to Help You Prepare for a Successful New Year

In this article, the B&M team looks at the day to day changes you can make to improve your life and ensure that your new year’s resolutions come true.

05 December 2020 - Health & Wellbeing, How to, Pets

How to Keep Your Dog Healthy This Winter

Your four-legged friends will need extra care during the colder months. Here’s how to ensure that your dog stays warm and safe as the temperature drops.

23 November 2020 - Garden & Outdoor, Health & Wellbeing

The Best UK Beaches To Visit in Winter

If you want to try something a little different this winter, why not visit some beautiful beaches? Here are some of the best beaches in the UK to visit in winter.

19 November 2020 - Health & Wellbeing, Ideas & Inspiration

10 of the Best Winter Walks in the UK

There are plenty of wonderful walking routes around England and Wales. Here B&M breaks down some of the best winter walks in the UK.

29 September 2020 - Health & Wellbeing, How to, Top Tips & Tricks

Tips for Beating the Winter Cold and Flu Season

The cold weather is approaching - and with it, the dreaded cold and flu season looms. In this guide, B&M will show you how to reduce the risk of catching influenza and the common cold.

28 July 2020 - Health & Wellbeing, Inspire Me

Ride Guide: 6 of the Best Bike Routes in the UK

What better way to enjoy the outdoors than to hop on your bike and sample incredible views along some stunning cycling routes? Here's a pick of our favourite bike rides from around the UK.