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Tips to Help You Prepare for a Successful New Year

01 January 2021


It’s the time of year to prepare for the 12 months ahead! January is a time of new year's resolutions, goal setting and stamping out bad habits. Prepare for a successful new year by considering how you might:

  • Set new goals
  • Plan ahead
  • Anticipate problems
  • Accept failure
  • Plan rewards

2020 hasn’t exactly been the 12 months we’d expected or hoped for. So, as New Year’s Day approaches, it’s time to think about how to prepare for a successful new year!

How can you make 2021 the year to reach your goals and put bad habits behind you? In this article, the B&M team looks at the day to day changes you can make to improve your life and ensure that your new year’s resolutions come true.

Set new goals

Think of new year’s goals that are practical, achievable and measurable. After all, you need to know for sure when you’ve achieved them! 

The first step to successful goal setting is getting everything down on paper clearly, so that you can refer back to your original plans, adapt them and add notes as you go along.

Make a vision board and hang it on your wall to serve as a reminder. Keep a pack of pens nearby so that you can edit or add to it.

B&M Top Tip: Be proud of your plans and display them beautifully! Use gorgeous notebooks or notepads and write everything out in attractive colours so that you’ll enjoy looking back over it.

Plan ahead

Set yourself schedules, deadlines and daily tasks leading towards a final goal. Calendars and diaries will really help you here.

Keep a little flexibility, as being too rigid with your plans can cause anxiety and lead to missed opportunities - but try to stick to your original ideas as closely as possible in order to achieve your goal.

B&M Top Tip: Make sure your timekeeping is always up to scratch!

Anticipate problems

It’s not likely to be plain sailing - big plans never are!

If you can predict any problems at all when pursuing your plan, think of contingencies or alternative approaches in advance. This means you can keep moving forward without small obstacles feeling like mountains!

Accept failure

Not everything is going to go according to plan. It’s the way of the world!

If you come up against a wall, don’t let it get you down. Pause, rethink your approach and try again - having learnt from your mistakes.

Plan rewards

After taking particularly big steps or achieving something new, it’s time to treat yourself. Be strict about this and only issue yourself a reward when you feel you really deserve it!

B&M Top Tip: Days off, pamper or spa sessions, new gadgets and delicious meals all make great rewards.

Whether you want to change up your morning routine to include a workout, take better care of your appearance and lose weight, or achieve major professional development, January is the time of year to get started!

Set your goals, make a time-sensitive plan, prepare for obstacles, learn from your mistakes and treat yourself after successes, and your biggest ambitions will be within reach!

B&M Top Tip: Check out our Fitness section for great products to help you get healthier than ever before!

What’s your new year’s resolution? Share it with the B&M Community via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram!

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