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25 September 2021

Brownhills B&M Store Officially Reopens After Extensive Refurbishment

Customers in Walsall were delighted this morning following the grand reopening of their local B&M Store in Brownhills.

24 September 2021

B&M Opens New Store with Garden Centre in Crieff

Customers in Crieff were delighted this morning following the grand opening of their brand new B&M Store.

16 September 2021

B&M Completes Major Refurbishment at Burslem Store

B&M Burslem's refurbishment is finally complete, with delighted customers able to visit their local store.

09 September 2021

B&M Opens Brand New Store in Southampton

Customers in Southampton were delighted this morning following the grand opening of their brand new B&M Store.

08 September 2021

Kellie's Charity Skydive for Men's Mental Health Charity

On Sunday 29th August B&M’s Kellie Walters skydived from around 15,000 feet – all to raise much needed funds for men’s mental health charity, Sean’s Place.