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What to Do in Your Garden in August

05 August 2020


Gardening in August can be a bit of a challenge - but an exciting one! Your outdoor spaces will be lush with greenery at this time of year, while many roses and long-lasting perennials will finish flowering.

If you have a veg patch or fruit trees, you’ll find that a lot of it is now ready to harvest, and you may also need to collect seeds to sow for next year. Towards the end of the month is the perfect time to sow hardy annuals too - so there’s a lot to be getting on with!

Here is B&M’s handy rundown of the main gardening tasks you’ll need to undertake in August.

Repot Houseplants

Keep an eye on indoor plants - they may be getting a little too big for their containers. They need space to grow, so why not get some attractive new pots with good drainage to keep your houseplants happy?

Keep an eye on outdoor pots and plants in hanging baskets and cold frames too, as these can all get overgrown in August.

B&M Top Tip: It’s extra important to water plants and summer flowers in August, as they can quickly get dehydrated in the heat. Keep an eye on your water butt during drier periods as it can empty quickly.

Harvest Crops

Now is the peak time to harvest much of the veg you have grown! Runner beans, tomatoes, maincrop potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, carrots and plenty more besides will all be getting huge, so pull them up before they rot.

You’ll also notice apples, blackberries, raspberries and other fruits looking colourful and succulent, meaning they’re ripe for picking too.

B&M Top Tip: Don’t worry if you’ve missed out on growing your own this year - there’s still plenty of time to start certain herbs. For example, rosemary and chive seeds usually germinate within three weeks. Grow them inside if you’re worried about the changing temperatures!

Wage War on Weeds

It’s the perfect weather for all summer plants - including the ones you don’t want!

Whether they’re embedded into your lawn or pushing between paving slabs on your patio or drive, get in there with the weed killer now before they take over. Look out for pesky vine weevils too, as they’ll be thriving at this time of year.

B&M Top Tip: Try to spray weed killer on a dry day so that it doesn’t wash away in the rain!

Plant Perennials & Shrubs

Now that the weather is nice and warm, it’s a great idea to plant perennials and shrubs so that they can take root before the autumn.

These plants have the potential to live for two years or more, so it’s important to give them a good start.

Dry & Store: Onions, Garlic & Shallots

Late summer is a good time to harvest bulbs like onions, garlic and shallots. To ensure they last throughout the autumn and winter, you should consider drying them before you store them away.

To achieve the best results when gardening in August, simply find new homes for houseplants, harvest fruit and veg, attack weeds, get your perennials and shrubs out and dry your onions, garlic and shallots.

B&M Top Tip: Many B&M stores have their own Garden Centres! Take a look at our exciting garden range for details of the exciting things you can find there.

What’s your August gardening routine? Share it with the B&M Community on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram!

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