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Valentine’s Day Crafts for Kids

27 January 2021


Want to show your little ones the meaning of love this Valentine’s Day? With these great Valentine’s Day crafts for kids, you can provide fun activities while teaching them to express their feelings. Great craft ideas include:

  • “Love notes” Mason Jar
  • Heart-shaped Valentine’s Day cards
  • Paper heart decorations

This Valentine’s Day, show the little ones in your life how to express their love for others in a creative way - with a few of these fun and fabulous Valentine’s Day crafts for kids.

“Love notes” Mason Jar

Find a good-sized glass jar, paper, a range of washable, non-toxic coloured glues and glitter glues, ribbon and whatever else you’d like to use as decoration.

Stick a label on the front of your jar and write a message on it. Perhaps it could read “Family Love Notes”.

Next, use the glues to carefully pipe colourful designs onto the jar’s surface. Remember: glue can take up to 24 hours to dry, so be careful with your jar for a while.

Tie a pretty ribbon around the jar and stick on sequins or other decorations.

Once the jar is dry, keep it somewhere accessible, with small pieces of coloured paper and pencils nearby. Family members can write heartfelt thank-yous, draw pictures or give compliments to other members of the household, then fold them up and pop them in!


B&M Top Tip: Open the jar once a week and read the notes together. This will encourage youngsters to show their appreciation for others - and to do kind things so that others will thank them!

Heart-shaped Valentine’s Day cards

Valentine’s Day card making is one of the easiest craft ideas out there - and it’s so much fun! Fold a piece of card in half. Draw a heart shape on the front, making sure that the left-hand side of the heart touches the folded edge of the card.

Decorate inside the lines using coloured pencils, gel pens, stickers, sequins, glitter and anything else you can think of! Don’t forget to write a lovely message.

Once dry, cut around the heart, leaving the folded edge attached. Open it up and write inside. Then give your heart card to give to someone you love!

Paper Heart Decorations

One of our favourite “heart” crafts is this cute paper chain. Carefully cut out several inch-wide strips of card - in any colour you want - along the length of an A4 sheet.

Fold the strips in half, then gently bend the ends in so they touch and make a heart shape. Glue or staple those ends together, making sure the join is around half an inch from the ends.

This is your first heart. When you make the next one, loop it through the first to connect them. Keep going until you have a nice long chain!

B&M Top Tip: Intersperse your chain with hanging decorations for added interest!

Why not hold your own Valentine’s Day party, displaying pictures of loved ones and laying on sweet treats such as candy hearts - as well as fun activities and a living room disco? Your kids can offer up their own ideas and help make the decorations.

Make your own love note jar, heartfelt cards and paper chains to show the rest of your family how you feel and enjoy some Valentine’s Day crafts!

B&M Top Tip: Browse our Arts & Crafts section for pretty materials.

Do you do something special with your kids for Valentine’s Day? Share ideas with the B&M Community via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram!

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