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Top Tips to Prepare Your Home For The Festive Season

30 September 2021

Whether you’re getting ready to welcome family members or planning to introduce a little holiday spirit into your home at this wonderful time of year, it’s important to get your home ready for Christmas in good time.

In this article, the team at B&M provide handy tips to follow in the run-up to Christmas Day to make sure everything looks its best. If you’re well prepared, you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy the holiday decor and relax!

Declutter Your Home

Is your guest room currently a junk room? Are you struggling to fit the right number of chairs in your dining area?

The first step towards getting your home ready for the festive season is decluttering. Whether this means moving items into the attic or investing in some ingenious storage solutions, there are plenty of ways to clear space.

B&M Top Tip: Be ruthless with your decluttering. If there are items you haven’t used or enjoyed in the past year or so, consider donating them to charity.

Clean Clean Clean

If you’re like us, it will have been a while since your home has had a good deep cleaning! Go through each room one at a time and clean from top to bottom, finishing by vacuuming.

At the very least, you’ll need a degreasing surface spray, antibacterial wipes, washing up liquid, dishcloths, furniture polish, glass cleaner, dusters and air fresheners to get your home looking and feeling fresh.

B&M Top Tip: Find candles or air fresheners with a festive scent to get people in the spirit of the holiday season!

Stock Up on Essentials

Make sure your holiday guests have everything they need for staying over - including plenty of toothpaste, toilet roll and towels!

You might also want to grab washing powder, snacks and extra plates and cutlery to ensure there is enough of everything to go around.

B&M Top Tip: Always check for allergies and dietary requirements well in advance!

Add a Festive Touch

Nothing is as joyful as Christmas decorations! Put up a Christmas tree, door wreath, festive garlands, table centrepieces, stockings and outdoor lights to make your home as Christmassy as possible.

Why not grab some gorgeous new tableware too? Adorn your place settings with seasonal plates, bowls and glasses for a true sense of Christmas cheer. There are even decorative tea towels to help you introduce some festive fun to the kitchen!

B&M Top Tip: If you have kids coming round, why not let them help you decorate - or even lead them in a decoration-making activity?

Get Shopping Done Early

Doing your Christmas present or food shopping too late is a total nightmare! The shops are crowded, and a lot of the items you need may be sold out.

To avoid this, get as much as you can in advance. Many food items will freeze until nearer the time - and you can take advantage of the B&M Mega Toy Sale for all the right gifts!

B&M Top Tip: Plan some great Christmas food leftover recipes in case you end up over-catering!

If you’ve followed this guide on how to get your home ready for the festive season, you’ll be prepared in plenty of time to greet guests and enjoy the most wonderful time of the year. 

Check out our Christmas section for decor, gifts and treats galore.

Got any amazing Christmas prep hacks? Share them with the B&M Community via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

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