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Top Storage Solutions & Tips for Decluttering Your Home

10 January 2018

With Christmas but a distant memory and 2018 well under way, it’s time to restore some order to your house - that means decluttering!

Have you got too many new toys for your little ones, meaning older ones are going unplayed with? Perhaps you've got a wardrobe of unused clothes taking up unnecessary space?

Luckily for you, B&M are here to help with some superb storage solutions and tips on how to declutter your house.

Vaccum Storage Bag

Perhaps one of the best ways of storing unused clothes is the Vacuum Storage Bag.

Place a pile of clothes inside one of these bags, lay it flat and suck the air right out with a vacuum. The space it saves is incredible and the area it now takes up is miniscule, so you can store it on top of wardrobes, under beds or even at the back of closets.

Really Useful Storage Box 35ml

Do you have a lot of paperwork around the house? Files, books and so much more can be stored away in the Really Useful Storage Box.

It’s a practical size and is ideal for keeping your office or bedroom tidy. Plus, the clip lock handle is a great way of keeping everything inside secure and safe.

Large Storage Box with Lid 110ml

Now that Christmas has been and gone, your little one will have a whole new set of toys to play with so no doubt their old ones are just collecting dust.

Use the 110ml Storage Box and stow those unused toys away. Your house will become immediately less cluttered and your child will have more room to enjoy their new toys.

B&M Top Tip: If there’s some space under any beds in the house, use the Jumbo Underbed Storage Box to put away some toys and clothes there too.

4 Drawer Storage Unit

If you need to tidy away some items in the house, but still need constant access to them, you can’t go wrong with this 4 Drawer Storage Unit.

The clear drawers make it easy to see what’s inside each one, meaning you don’t have to go lifting mattresses or standing on chairs to find what you’re after.

Tips for how to Declutter your Home

Decluttering your home can be a difficult thing to do. Where do you put all of that stuff? Where do you find the time to do it all? Well don’t worry, we have a few tips to help you on your way to a cleaner house.

  • Clean one room a day: Focus entirely on just one room on a certain day. Once it’s done, take a seat and relax until tomorrow when you challenge another room.
  • Give away unused clothes: Haven’t worn that dress for three months? Give it to charity. Do this for all of your untouched clothes and you’ll have a clearer wardrobe.
  • Learn to hate clutter! Once your home is tidy, jump on any bit of clutter and get rid of it. You’ll soon get used to tidying up while on autopilot.
  • The Three Box Method: Line up three boxes: 1) keep, 2) throw out, 3) donate. Go through your house and choose which box each item deserves. And ruthless!

Do you have any decluttering tips of your own? Let the B&M Community know all about them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

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