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Top Budget Stationery for Going Back to College

04 September 2017

Budget stationery at B&M
You could be fresh from exams, getting ready for A-Levels or resitting to get into the uni of your dreams – whatever your reason for starting college this September, nothing prepares a student for the next three terms than a fresh set of stationery.

Getting your desk in order and your pens at the ready is the best prep you can do for a year of studying, revising and learning. Having an organised desk with all the required tools will boost your productivity and help formulate a systematic approach needed for the intense learning and revision ahead.

So, to that end, we check out how you can get all the essential kit for a fraction of the normal price. This is all the college stationery you'll need for the year ahead!

1. Get filing

Budget stationery at B&M

Want to know how to find all those notes quickly? Need to organise different topics on related subjects? Wondering how to compile all those printouts for a project? These A4 Subject Dividers will do all the hard work of separating your paperwork so you remain organised, focused and in control. These dividers come in a pack of three and are made up of ten colourful tabs designed for use in ring binders, lever arches and files.

2. Highlight!

Budget stationery at B&M

There’s more to this fun stationery than the bright Day-Glo colours. Highlighters will be your go-to tool in marking out all the important passages, quotations and excerpts needed to support essays. Always keep one handy in your school bag, desk and any workstation.

3. Scribble, jot and scrawl!

Budget stationery at B&M

All college students have relied on the humble ballpoint pen for their studies. Whether it’s making a quick note, scribbling ideas down or charting out a mind map – these ball pens are the cheapest and easiest ways of getting your thoughts down on paper. Plus, these pens are retractable – so there’s no risk of the dreaded ink leakage!

4. Keep it in the box

Budget stationery at B&M

These fun box files are a great way of storing all your valuable notes and paperwork. They also come with a firm clasp to hold down work. Available in green, pink, blue, purple and orange, these will certainly brighten up your desk and the colours will make for easy reference.


5. Pukka!

Budget stationery at B&M


The A4 Pukka Pad is part of everyone’s college desk – 200 pages of A4 sized paper, which are instrumental to learning, even if it is just used for jotting down thoughts and ideas.

Each page inside the notepad is micro-perfed, which allows you to rip away a sheet if needed. On top of this, the pad has been specially drilled which gives you the option to file the paper.


6. Chunky tinted pencil case

Budget stationery at B&M

Cool pencil cases are a must on a student’s desk – and are vital for gathering together all the pens, pencils and tools needed for studying. Pretty pencil cases have never looked funkier than these from B&M, which are available in purple, pink and green. And thanks to the zip lock and sturdy design, they will easily last the full year of being carried about from home to college and library to work placement…and possibly beyond!

How are your desks looking for the academic year ahead? We want a snap of your workstations and any study or revision tips – share them with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

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