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Tips for Getting Back into Shape

25 December 2021


After a period of indulgence or inactivity, getting back in shape by adopting a healthy lifestyle can feel like a huge challenge. 

However, regular exercise and eating healthy should always be a priority. After all, it will help you to feel good, improve your physical abilities and live longer.

In this article, the team at B&M explores how to get into shape - starting small and building up to a health and fitness routine that suits your lifestyle.

Improve Your Home Gym

According to studies, you must raise your heart rate with regular exercise of “moderate intensity” for a minimum of 15 minutes per day, seven days a week, in order to see any physical benefit.

This can improve your life expectancy by up to three years and keep you healthy at any age.

Of course, without the right tools, it can be difficult to motivate yourself to keep a regular workout routine. That’s why you should invest in equipment that you enjoy using in order to stay on top of your fitness goals.

Ideally, you’ll need equipment for cardio, strength training, stretching and improving your balance.

B&M Top Tip: If you don’t have a dedicated workout space, why not opt for equipment that can be stored in a cupboard, such as dumbbells and skipping ropes. Yoga mats can be rolled up and placed on top of your wardrobe.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Most people who are focussed on getting back into shape know that healthy snacks and meals are a major key to success.

Weight loss should only be attempted for health and wellbeing reasons, using a diet plan that is rich with vitamins and minerals from fruit and vegetables, along with plenty of fibre and protein.

B&M Top Tip: Eating too little can slow your metabolism. You need to eat a suitable amount of healthy calories to keep your system in tip top condition.

Make Cooking Easier With Healthy Cooking Appliances

To feel healthy and, if necessary, to lose weight, you should opt for cooking methods that reduce the fat content of your meals while retaining as many nutrients as possible.

B&M Top Tip: Raw fruit and veg contains plenty of fibre and vitamins. Pack as much in as possible by making smoothies at home. For a hot treat with loads of health benefits,  is also a great option.


Always Stay Hydrated

Water keeps your skin clear and aids your digestive system, speeding up your metabolism and keeping your whole body operating at optimal levels. 

B&M Top Tip: Keep a reusable bottle with you at all times and make sure it stays topped up!

Wear the Right Kit

If your workout clothing is stylish and comfy, you’ll always want to wear it! This makes motivating yourself so much easier.

What’s more, if you have items that provide you with proper support, you can work out safely without risk of injury.

Why not include accessories like phone armbands so you can listen to music on the go?

B&M Top Tip: Find a workout buddy so you can coordinate workout outfits, offer each other tips on how to get in shape and challenge each other to keep pushing!

With the right equipment, food, cooking gear, water consumption and clothing, you’ll look your best and feel great in no time.

Check out our Fitness section for all of the affordable equipment, clothing and food you’ll need.

How do you motivate yourself to stay healthy? Share tips with the B&M Community via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

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