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The Best DIY Halloween Decorations to Frighten your Family!

29 September 2017

If you’re looking for some cheap and easy Halloween decorations to make this year, we’ve got some spooktacular ideas for you. These are simple enough to get the kids involved, so grab your scissors and glue and enjoy crafting over the next few weeks.

Oh, and don’t forget to check out our fiendishly good Halloween decorations range if you fancy taking a few shortcuts!

1. Painted Pumpkins

DIY Halloween Decorations
Via A Sparkly Mess 

We're obsessed with these pumpkins, and they're so easy to do! You just need a collection of pumpkins – large or small – and some paint. We find a can of spray paint does the job quickly and easily, but you can also use poster paint, acrylic paint – or any other paint you have hanging around! If you’re using spray paint, make sure you do it outside, or in a work space that is well ventilated.

2. Glowing Eyes

DIY Halloween Decorations

Via Thirty Days of Halloween 

We love these glowing eyes, which can be positioned outside, in trees or bushes, or around the house.

All you need to do is collect some toilet roll tubes, and get hold of some glow sticks. Cut some evil eyes into the tubes and insert a glow stick into each tube and watch the fearsome eyes come alight!

3. Scary Spiderwebs

DIY Halloween Decorations
Via Pinterest 

These spider webs are very easy – and very effective. Start by laying a bin bag out flat. Trim off the sides and bottom so you're left with two big rectangles of plastic. Cut each piece into an approximate square. Fold one of the squares in half diagonally to form a triangle. Fold that triangle in half two more times. Next cut rectangles out on either side, so you’re left with a herringbone structure to the plastic.

Open up and discover the scary spider web you’ve created!

4. Dismembered Fingers!

DIY Halloween Decorations

Via She Knows 

Creep out children and grown ups with a platter of these fearsome fingers! Simply carve finger details, knuckles and nails, into hotdog sausages. Serve with buns and gruesome tomato ketchup for a macabre treat at teatime.

5. Ghost Candles

DIY Halloween Decorations

Via Growing Spaces 

Light up your home with these nightmarish candles – which involve two items, a candle and a black Sharpie. Paint ghoulish faces on a selection of pillar candles and decorate your menacing mantelpiece!

6. Eerie Cats’ Eyes

DIY Halloween Decorations

Via Nostalgiecat 

We love this idea, and will be decorating B&M Towers with these scary eyes this Halloween. All you need is some fairy lights, some black card and a pair of scissors. Make sure you work out the distance between lights and space out your cat’s eyes accordingly by puncturing the black card. Next cut a cat’s head around the eye holes and poke the fairy lights through. Voila, fearsome, frightening cats' eyes staring back at you!

B&M Top Tip: Don’t forget you can grab all your arts and crafts essentials at B&M – browse our Craft & Design section now!

How are you decorating your home this hair-raising Halloween? We want you to share your ideas with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

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