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Self-Care Practices for a Healthy Mind, Body and Soul

21 February 2020

Self-care is important. In fact, it’s vital for our wellbeing. Here, the team at B&M will guide you through some great self-care practices and show you how easy it can be to set aside time for yourself.

Mental health

We often fail to realise the pressure we’re putting on ourselves mentally. While life doesn’t always go as planned, there are ways to make things a little easier.

Getting adequate sleep

Set a bedtime and stick to it. Routine can be calming and may help you feel grounded. If you can’t sleep, try a chamomile scented candle. This herb aids relaxation. It’s also great in tea.

You need to get at least eight hours’ sleep to recuperate after the previous day. 

Planning ahead to avoid stress

Planning is another way to avoid stress. Keep a diary and to-do list. Often, this may reveal that you’re not as snowed under as you first thought!

Physical health

Taking care of your body will keep you looking and feeling great - and may even extend your life. It’s an easy way of feeling productive and in control.


Physical activity will help more than just your fitness levels. It affects both mind and body, producing happy hormones called endorphins and kicking your brain into gear.

You don’t need to buy a gym membership - just going for a walk or run can make a difference. Why not pick up some new trainers for motivation?


It’s great to see a healthy, glowing face looking back at you when you glance in the mirror. Treating yourself to an indulgent face mask can offer a moment of peace.

Keep your body moisturised and pay attention to your hands and feet, as they often do the lion’s share of the work. Treat yourself with love - you deserve it.

Clean eating

Drink lots of water and eat fruit and veg. The right nutrition will make you look healthier and can also help your brain to function properly - reducing stress, low mood and tiredness.

Top up your nutrition levels with multivitamins. Vitamin C is great for battling anxiety and heightening your mood.


Emotional health

Improve your inner wellbeing by focusing on what will make you happy - not just for now but in the long run too.

B&M Top Tip: Keep your surroundings beautiful. It will remind you to appreciate the little things.

Face to face socialising

Think about how long you spend online or on social media. Why not limit yourself to just an hour or so a day, or take a day off altogether?

Instead, you could invite a friend out for a coffee. Talking is therapeutic and can remind you that there are people who love you. The conversation may leave you feeling inspired!


Meditation can simply involve twenty minutes sitting on your bed or lying in the bath with a scented bath bomb and just focusing on taking slow, deep breaths.

Meditating can help you get the day’s stresses in perspective and serves as a reminder to stop occasionally and look at the bigger picture.

It can be so simple to practice self-care. Consider the above tips for your mind, body and soul when you next feel stressed.

B&M Top Tip: Stay nourished using B&M’s healthy eating tips!

How do you chase the blues away? Share your advice with the B&M Community via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram!

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