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Quick & Easy Ways to Attract Wild Birds to Your Garden

17 January 2025

The Big Garden Birdwatch is the world’s largest domestic wildlife survey, with over 700,000 people up and down the UK taking part. All you have to do is count all the birds you spot in your garden. Anyone can take part and you can sign up on the RSPB website now.

Take a look at some of our top tips and creative crafts to help you attract as many birds as possible! Don't forget to check out our Birds & Wildlife category for a great selection of products to help you attract some wildlife to your garden.

Make your own Nest Box

A nest box is a great way to encourage birds to not only visit, but stay in your garden too! It acts as a place for birds like robins and finches to shelter and feel safe enough to lay their eggs.

Your nest box should only be made out of wood and should have small holes in the bottom for water to drain out (we are in the UK after all!). You should avoid installing a perch though; you might think this encourages small birds to take up their new home, but it often just gives predators a foothold, making it easier for them to gain access to eggs.

For small birds, the access hole should be no bigger than 32cm.

You can find out more about nest boxes and how to make your own here.

B&M Top Tip: Remember, wild insects are bird food too! Growing native varieties of plants in your garden encourages insects, and if you have insects in your garden, the birds won’t be far behind! Check out our Compost & Bark category for ways to encourage plant growth and increase the amount of critters in your garden.

Make a Bird Feeder out of Disused Plastic Bottles

A fun activity to keep the kids busy on a Saturday afternoon, plastic bottles are perfect for bird feeders. Here’s how to make your own:

  1. Wash a large (approx. 1.5 litre) bottle in soapy water and rinse, ensuring labels have been removed.
  2. Leaving the bottle top on, mark two lines on your bottle: the first about 1/3 of the way from the end of the bottle; the second 1/3 from the top.
  3. Cut along both lines and remove the middle third (you won’t need this). The top third should sit on top of the bottom third, overhanging to make it look a bit like a mushroom.
  4. Stand the bottom end up and cut a hole in the side, about 20cm in diameter (this will give access to birds).
  5. Paint your two ends however you like: be creative!
  6. Use sticky tape or glue to stick the two ends together.
  7. Use string or pliable wire to hang outside

Place your bird feeder at least 2 metres away from cover. Birds are happier feeding in open spaces, where they can see predators like birds of prey and cats coming.

Make Your Own Pinecone Bird Feeder

Don’t forget we have an amazing range of quality bird feeders here at B&M, from 3-in-1 seed feeders to those specifically designed for fat balls (which birds love in the winter).

But it can be fun to create your own, and this pinecone feeder will be really appealing to the robins, tits and finches in your garden.


  • 100g suet or lard
  • Handful of sunflower seeds (pumpkin or special bird seeds are fine too)
  • Handful of raisins
  • Grated cheese
  • Unsalted peanuts


  1. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl.
  2. Stuff some of your mix into the cracks of your pine cones.
  3. Hang your pinecones from a tree, shed or other firm garden structure with string or wire.

B&M Top Tip: Don’t forget to stock up on bird feed at B&M! Whether it’s sunflower seeds, peanuts, mealworms or even fat balls and suet blocks, there’s something to attract a huge range of birds.

What have you been doing to prepare for the Big Garden Birdwatch? Share your crafts and tips with the B&M Community on Facebook, X and Instagram.

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