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Must-Do Autumn Outdoor Activities for Kids

02 September 2020


The colder months still provide ample opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors with family! B&M’s top outdoor activities for kids include:

  • Explore nature with a scavenger hunt
  • Go on a family bike ride
  • Enjoy a picnic in the park
  • Organise a family sports day
  • Get involved in gardening 

Outdoor fun doesn’t have to stop when summer ends. There are plenty of outdoor activities for kids and adults alike that will engage the whole family.

Read on for some of the B&M team’s top autumn outdoor activities to keep the kids entertained throughout the colder months.

Explore nature with a scavenger hunt

Autumn provides a wide variety of great outdoor learning opportunities - and a scavenger hunt is a great way to embrace them.

Create a guide sheet with pictures of everything they’ll need to gather, including different colours of autumn leaves, pine cones and helicopter seeds.

Include easy quiz questions for them to answer along the way, like “which prickly creature likes to make its home in a leaf pile?”.

B&M Top Tip: Invest in comfy shoes for outdoor play. There’s nothing better than running about in the great outdoors - however little or big you are!

Go on a family bike ride

Taking the kids for a bike ride is a great way to keep your blood pumping, making sure you stay warm while improving your fitness. The beautiful colours that surround you will make each excursion one to remember!

Why not pack lunches to enjoy in the open air? You should also bring plenty of water to keep your family hydrated.

B&M Top Tip: The days are getting shorter. To stay safe, make sure everyone has working lights on their bikes.

Enjoy a picnic in the park

Al fresco meals are not just a summer activity! It’s just as easy to enjoy them in the autumn - just wrap up warm and consider making hot food and drinks to keep in thermal containers!

Soup in a heat-retaining flask is a great option, as are hot pies and pasties.

B&M Top Tip: Keep your warm house within easy reach by simply picnicking in your garden! Turn it into an evening activity by blowing up an airbed, lighting a campfire a safe distance away and lying back to stargaze with the family.

Organise a family sports day

Keep warm and active outside with some sporty autumn outdoor activities for kids!

Options include egg-and-spoon or sack races, safe home-made obstacle courses, bean-bag throwing and hula hooping competitions!

Get involved in gardening

Why not get the kids involved in your autumn gardening? It will help to teach them some great practical skills.

For example, you could teach them how to harvest seeds and sow them in small pots to germinate indoors. They’ll love watching the seedlings grow.

B&M Top Tip: Set up bird boxes and feeders and see how many types of bird your kids can spot using them. This will teach them a little about nature and how to care for wildlife.

To keep your kids entertained throughout autumn, head out on a scavenger hunt, enjoy a brisk bike ride, take a picnic to the park, organise a sports day event or teach them about gardening.

B&M Top Tip: Check out our Outdoor Toys section to discover games you can play in the garden or park!

What do you love to do with your family in the autumn? Share your ideas with the B&M Community via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram!

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