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Lazy Person's Guide to Spring Cleaning

07 February 2017

It’s starting to get warmer out there (in the daytime, if you have a coat on…), so what better time to chat about spring cleaning? There are loads of easy ways to clean your house, so that even those who can’t stand chores can enjoy a clean and tidy home all year round.

We’ve put together a list of our 5 favourite lazy cleaning hacks that take barely any time at all, so that you’ll have more time to actually enjoy your beautiful home!

Spray furniture polish on anything to make it shiny

Shiny fridge

Image credit: 

Has your fridge or oven lost its shine? You could spend ages with various cleaning products trying to get it back to that original, can-see-your-face-in-it gleam, or you could spray on some furniture polish and be amazed at that incredible shine!

B&M Top Tip: This hack can be used to clean pretty much any surface, but don’t use it on your floor as it may make it a bit slippery for a while.

Use grapefruit + salt



We all know how gross soap scum build up can be! That’s why cleaning out your bathroom can sometimes be a horrendous chore - but not anymore. Simply mix a bit of salt into some pure grapefruit juice and watch the citric acid and salt granules get to work!

B&M Top Tip: This hack is also great for cleaning chopping boards. 

Use a strong disinfectant



If you use a strong disinfectant, it goes without saying that you’ll spend less time wiping down your kitchen sides. It may smell a bit strong, but it’s the only way you’ll be able to get all those nasty germs off your counters quickly and easily.

Chuck everything in the dishwasher



Well, not quite everything, but anything that’s dishwasher safe can be cleaned well in here. Shoes, caps, figurines, rubber boots, makeup brushes and light fixture covers can all be cleaned thoroughly using the dishwasher. If in doubt, it’s always better to double check though!

Use the tub!



The bathtub isn’t just restricted for washing people you know! It’s large size means it’s great for washing lots of other things too. Just run a bath with hot, soapy water and leave your oven racks in there, or anything else that could do with a good soak! 

We’d love to know what you think of our easy cleaning tips, or maybe you’ve got some other lazy cleaning hacks that you’d like to share with the B&M community? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

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