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How to Make Your Summer Garden Flourish

03 June 2020

How to Make Your Summer Garden Flourish


In the summer months, plants and lawns will be at their healthiest - especially when there is a good balance of rain and bright sunshine.

However, there are ways in which you can help your outdoor spaces along. Here at B&M HQ, we've been thinking of ways to help you harness your inner garden designer and get your summer garden looking its blooming best. Read on to find out how!

Repair Bare Patches of Lawn with Turf

In hot weather, it’s not uncommon for patches of your lawn to dry out and die off. This can leave your garden looking a little scruffy and unkempt - but it’s really easy to fix.

Regularly spread good lawn food on your grass. If the patches look like they’re here to stay, you could choose to carefully dig them out with a trowel or spade and replace them with living turf.

B&M Top Tip: Another option is to use a great seed, feed and coir mix, which will help grass to grow thicker and withstand higher levels of traffic.

Wait a little while before mowing to allow the new grass to take.

Weed your Garden

It’s a great time of year for your favourite summer flowers and plants to grow healthy and strong - but the same goes for weeds. It’s vital to keep on top of your weeding so that these unwanted guests don’t get out of control.

It’s great to get in there with your gloved hands and a trowel or hand cultivator to remove the weeds, but a good spray with weed killer can also do the job very effectively.

Prep your Pots

Get hold of some pretty pots and planters to add interest to your garden.

Encourage drainage by ensuring that the holes in the bottom are large enough. You can also place chunks of old, broken pot in the bottom of each container to give the water space to escape.

This helps to prevent soil and roots from rotting and killing the plant.

B&M Top Tip: Remember to thoroughly clean old pots before reusing them, as old soil and plant matter can cause disease and attract pests.

Quench Crops’ Thirst

A summer garden can be a dry environment in which certain plants find it less easy to grow without your intervention.

If it hasn’t rained for a while, you should give your garden a helping hand by watering it lightly and regularly with a hose or watering can to prevent it from drying out.

Mulch Beds & Borders

The addition of mulch is one of our very top garden tips. It will help to keep your soil healthy and fend off weeds.

Spread mulch evenly on top of your beds and borders using your gloved hands for best effect. Be careful not to bury your plants as they’ll need a little breathing room!

Plant seeds for flowers and vegetables

Now is a great time to plant more garden seeds to ensure that your garden keeps blooming late into autumn. Azaleas, penstemons and nasturtiums all grow well in early summer - especially if you’ve propagated the seeds indoors first.

It’s also the perfect time to plant vegetables in time for an autumn harvest!

To create a perfect summer garden, you’ll need to focus on cultivating your lawn, removing weeds, preparing pots and planters, watering, mulching and the planting of new seeds.

B&M Top Tip: Take a look at B&M’s great selection of Gardening Essentials.

How is your summer garden looking? Why not share some pictures with the B&M Community via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram?

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