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How to Keep Your Kitchen Organised

30 May 2020


An untidy kitchen can be a very stressful place! In this article, the team at B&M will explain how to improve your use of kitchen storage space, keep surfaces clean and tidy and ensure you always know where things are.

Organise Your Fridge

A tidy fridge can help you to easily check supply levels and quickly work out recipes based on what you have in the house. It can also enable you to prevent cross-contamination and reduce waste.

Use designated trays and containers for different types of food and arrange ingredients by use-by date so they won’t expire without you realising.

Label Key Items

If you like to dispense herbs, spices, rice, pasta and other staples into containers - or if you regularly freeze meals to be enjoyed later - you should definitely use labels to label them to make them easier to find. 

B&M Top Tip: If some members of your household have allergies, labels can help you to mark food that is suitable for certain dietary requirements. 

Clean & Polish

Kitchen surfaces can quickly become covered in dust and grease. Corners and open shelving are particularly susceptible, so be sure to create a regular cleaning rota that focuses on all areas of your cooking space.

Ensure easy access to all nooks and crannies, and keep products that are likely to cause mess - such as flour or sugar - in sealed containers to help nip these problems in the bud.

Find Homes for Everything

Small kitchens in particular can quickly fall victim to clutter. Counter space can be affected by a buildup of small appliances, while kitchen cabinets and drawers can appear stuffed full as a result of poor space management. 

Save cabinet space by finding little recesses in which to store your cutting boards and measuring cups or hanging up utensils, pots and pans instead of stashing them away.

B&M Top Tip: You can make use of cabinet doors by choosing over-door hooks.

Free up Drawer Space

If you find yourself with a great deal of counter space and not much in the way of drawers, why not double up certain kitchen items as decoration? 

Pretty wine glasses can be displayed on open shelving, while often-used ingredients can be arranged attractively on suitable surfaces. The trend for mason jars is still going strong, so why not use a few to display dry ingredients?

B&M Top Tip: Reduce drawer clutter by using a non-slip cutlery tray.

Use a Refrigerator Message Board

 A whiteboard or cork board on the fridge can be used to help the rest of your household understand how to keep the kitchen clean and tidy.

This is great for setting up chore schedules, and also works well for reminders and shopping lists.

Employ Effective Kitchen Storage

Think about how often you use each appliance or product, then store them in accordance. You won’t need quick access to your Christmas crockery, but your spice rack needs to be within easy reach! 

Different households have different needs. For example, if you only entertain large parties occasionally, you could stash your lazy susan well out of the way. However, if your family is big, you may want to keep it in the middle of the dining table for ease! 

Good fridge organisation, labelling, cleaning routines, storage arrangements and communication techniques are the keys to a beautifully organised kitchen.

B&M Top Tip: find even more great kitchen storage solutions in B&M’s specialist collection.

Do you have any kitchen organisation hacks of your own? Share them with the B&M Community via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram!

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