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Egg-cellent Easter Game Ideas for the Whole Family

08 March 2021


What could be more fun than playing Easter games and having a good time in the spring sunshine? Apart from eating chocolate eggs! With a bit of planning, you could set up an action packed day for all the family in the comfort of your home and garden.

This article contains some amazing Easter game ideas that kids and adults will love. These games include:

  •         Egg and Spoon Race
  •         Easter Egg Hunt
  •         Easter Bunny Tag
  •         Egg Racing

Egg and Spoon Race


Who doesn’t love a friendly egg and spoon race? All you need are a few hard boiled eggs (using hard boiled eggs saves you a lot of cleaning up) spoons, and a start and finish line. If your kids are struggling, place something on the spoon to make the egg stick. To make the race harder, add obstacles or make the competitors complete two laps to claim victory.

B&M Top Tip: Why not give out small prizes to race winners? Check out our other Easter articles for prize ideas for kids and adults.

 Easter Egg Hunt

An Easter egg hunt is always great fun for all the family, kids will have a blast looking for chocolatey treats, while the adults will love hiding the eggs and seeing their children struggle to find them all. The joy on your kids’ faces as they rummage for eggs will make the effort worthwhile.

Hiding place ideas:

  •         Under the bed
  •         Garden bush/plants
  •         In the kitchen draws
  •         Wardrobes
  •         Behind the curtains
  •         Toy boxes
  •         Inside a pillowcase

Try come up with your own creative hiding places, you will have a great time coming up with your own unique hiding spots, just don’t hide them all in your belly!

B&M Top Tip: Why not leave clues around your home to the location of the eggs.

Easter Tag


Easter tag is a fun game that is sure to tire out the kids. It’s played the same as traditional tag except everyone must hop like a bunny, if you don’t hop then you’re automatically it. If you want to make the game more challenging, implement the link rule. As players get tagged, they must link arms and form a chain, but don’t forget you must hop!

Egg Racing


Yes, that’s right, egg racing! All you need to do is choose an egg, which you can decorate, then find an inclined surface, place your eggs at the top, and watch them roll to the finish line, whichever egg crosses the line first wins.

B&M Top Tip: Don't forget to check out our Easter Eggs & Confectionery range, from easter eggs, to small chocolate treats, we've got it all!

Do you have a fun Easter game? Share it with the B&M Community via TwitterFacebook or Instagram!

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