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Creative Dinners: What to Make When it's Too Hot to Cook

25 June 2019

Hot, muggy weather can make anyone reluctant to spend their evening in the kitchen - particularly when the sun’s out and we’d rather be getting some fresh air!

Here, the team at B&M answers the question “what can I make for dinner on a hot day?” by sharing a few ideas and inspiration for quick and easy summer meals that will give you a little more time to enjoy the warmer temperatures.

Chinese Chicken Skewers 

BBQ Summer

We love “grab and go” style meals when it’s too hot to cook, and this option allows people to serve themselves. Our Alfresco Chinese chicken thighs are super-quick to prepare, with no fuss.

They’re currently part of a 3 for £5 multibuy deal - so grab as many as you need to feed your group. Follow the instructions on the packaging, then, once they’re ready, slice the meat into chunks and slide them onto skewers.

You can add to these however you like - grilled peppers and pineapple always go down a treat!

If you like, you can also heat up a few packs of our super-simple Pataks microwave rice. Pop the skewers on plates, buffet style, and pour all the cooked rice into a big bowl so people can help themselves.

Tex-Mex Veggie Tortillas

Vegetarian Burgers and Tortilla

When it’s too hot to cook, dinner recipes for those with additional dietary requirements can be even harder to think up.

Luckily, we’ve come up with this simple and delicious veggie meal. Our Linda McCartney vegetarian burgers can be quickly popped into the oven or grill for a minimal-effort treat.

Once they’re ready, we like to slice them up and, along with salad leaves, your favourite salsa and perhaps some cheese, wrap them in soft, fluffy tortillas.

Serve with spicy rice on the side, or, for a more portable option to enjoy out on the patio, include the rice in the wrap - burrito style!

Mouthwatering Kebabs


When it really is too hot to cook, dinner recipes that involve any effort whatsoever can seem like a real slog - and many of us find it hard to face eating anything warm.

This recipe is perfect for those occasions, as our great Babek pre-cooked & sliced doner kebab meat can be microwaved if required, but can also be served cold.

Pop a few delicious meaty strips onto a mini naan along with a dollop of fruity mango chutney and some refreshing yoghurt and mint sauce, and enjoy a riot of flavour with absolutely minimal effort!

Cooling Pasta Salad


This summer buffet favourite is one of our top meals for when it’s too hot to cook. Dolmio pasta twists microwave in just a couple of minutes.

Stir in a little olive oil to stop them sticking, then add some semi-drained chopped tomatoes (you don’t want your meal too watery), a splash of lemon juice and garlic puree to taste. Serve it up cold, with salt and pepper to taste.

This particular dish is super-easy to adapt however you prefer; for example, including roasted peppers or chunks of cooked chicken will add interest, flavour and bulk!

Of course, it’s also important to have somewhere to kick back and enjoy your easy evening meal in the sun. We love our stylish, space-saving Milano folding dining table, which is ideal for this purpose. Otherwise, for a chilled patio party atmosphere, our five-piece Venice patio bar set works a charm. 

B&M Top Tip: More easy meal ideas for a summer’s day can be found by taking a look at our Alfresco BBQ range - much of which is currently subject to a 3 for £5 multibuy offer!

“What can I make for dinner on a hot day?” - if you have a go-to answer for this question, share it with the B&M Community via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Don’t forget to include pics of your favourite meals where you can!

*prices correct at time of publication.

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