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Celebrate Bike Week UK With B&M and Get Active This Summer!

31 May 2023

Both our mental and physical health are greatly improved by exercise and time spent outdoors. That's why this Bike Week UK we at B&M are here to offer advice on the benefits of biking, so you and your family can get healthier and happier together through the joys of biking.

This year from the 5th to the 11th of June marks the 100th year of Bike Week UK. Up and down the country avid cyclists will be venturing out to display the great benefits of biking and to celebrate the amazing activity.

The organsiers of Bike Week UK are setting a series of challenges for all to take part in during Bike Week 100. These challenges highlight the benefits that more cycling can bring to our health, our finances, our communities and the natural world.

To help you get on your bike, read on for the top benefits of cycling plus a hand-picked selection of our best bike accessories!

The Benefits of Cycling

There are three main great health and wellbeing benefits of cycling. This Bike Week UK be sure to keep these in mind whilst taking part in the festivities as you'll be helping yourself and the environment towards the goal of being happier and healthier.

  1. The health benefits of cycling are seemingly endless. Not only is your cardiovascular system improved by cycling as exercise but also your lung capacity. When cycling you consume 10 times more oxygen than if you were sitting for the same period. This greatly improves both the lung's and the heart's health, leaving you happier and healthier.
  2. Another great benefit of cycling is the potential improvements of your mental health. The exercise you get from even the most casual of cycles will increase the dopamine levels in your blood, and give you that great uplifting feeling. In addition the distraction of physical exercise, most notably cycling, can allow your mind to rest from your everyday worries and can be a great source of stress relief.
  3. The environment also greatly benefits from cycling as people inevitably use less fossil fuels when they choose cycling over other forms of travel. Seeing the great outdoors is a privilege whilst cycling and with every time you cycle, you help keep those areas alive and thriving.

B&M Top Tip: Have you ever considered cycling to work or school? From a financial, health and environmental standpoint cycling to work is a win-win. Check out if your place of employment or school offers a cycle to work scheme, and get cycling everyday!

Bike Accessories

 This Bike Week UK you'll need some new Bike Accessories to make your experience more pleasurable and easy. Here at B&M we have an array of RAC bike products perfect for all your cycling needs.

The RAC Bike Phone Case is perfect for wherever you go on your cycling adventures. You'll always be one touch away from your favourite music, podcasts and audiobooks. The RAC Bike Phone Case is also small enough to fit in your bike bag, perfect for taking with you on every ride.

A loud and clear bell is also an essential accessories for any cyclist. The RAC Bike Bell is not only stylish and easy to fit to standard handle bars, but will also allow you to alert others to your presence keeping you and pedestrians safe when riding.

A great bike accessory to improve comfort is the RAC Gel Bike Seat Cover. The bike cover will increase your comfort on long cycling journeys and easily fits onto your seat with a drawstring cord to keep secure.

B&M Top Tip: Don’t forget to also pick up the RAC Black Alloy Bike Bottle Cage to stay hydrated on your summer rides. We at B&M also offer a selection of Water Bottles, so make sure to have a look and pick the perfect one for you on your next bike ride!

Bike Security

Bike security is also paramount in making sure your bike stays safe and secure.

The RAC 1.8m Combination Bike Lock comes with a five digit combination and an easy release mounted bracket so it can be taken anywhere your bike can go. The 1.8m length also ensures that it can be attached to any fixed position within a larger radius of the bike than usual.

For something smaller the RAC 35cm D-Shackle Bike Lock is perfect. Wherever you go on your cycling adventures, you can be sure your bike will be safely locked up. With a hardened shackle to prevent breaks and a weatherproof vinyl coating the Shackle Lock will keep your bike safe and secure 24/7.

B&M Top Tip: For extra Bike Security, be sure to check out B&M’s Garden Buildings range. We offer a variety of garden buildings including bike sheds and much more! A strong and durable bike shed protects the bike from the elements and can ensure the bike is stored safely.

Bike Maintenance

Maintaining a bike is key to stopping any expensive or irreparable damages, as well as keeping those wheels spinning.

The RAC Bike Hand Pump is an essential for any cycling expedition to combat slow punctures or to pump up new tyres. The hand pump is small enough to fit into a bike bag and is an invaluable tool for any cyclist.

Similarly the RAC Bike Puncture Repair Kit includes all the necessary equipment to get back up and running in the event of a puncture. The kit is an essential in maintaining tyre health and stability and could be invaluable if stranded with a flat tyre.

To complete the maintenance set, be sure to pick up a RAC Bike Muti-Tool. The tool includes all manner of spanners and screwdrivers to adjust the brakes, seat, chain and more on your bike. Great for making vital alterations to your bike for comfort and suitability.

B&M Top Tip: Another essential part of bike maintenance is cleaning and oiling the bike. Lubricants such as WD-40 Lubricant and Elbow Grease All Purpose Degreaser are also essential for bike maintenance to keep the gears and cogs clean and free from dirt.

Do you plan on spending the summer riding around the great outdoors? Do you have all the bike products you need? Share your plans with the B&M Community via TwitterFacebook or Instagram.

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