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Back To School: Grab Your Last Minute Essentials at B&M!

30 August 2018

The chaos of the summer holidays is almost over and your little ones will soon heading back to school for another year.

The fun, laughter, tantrums, activities and sunny days are coming to a close and the hard work starts again with the beginning of another school term.

Need some last minute bits? Take a look at the top picks from our back to school essentials, from school shoes and socks to backpacks, lunch boxes and lunch essentials.


A good pair of shoes is ideal for heading back to school, so try these black velcro strap shoes. They’re available from child size 11 all the way up to 10.

For girls, there's a similar smart black shoe, with the same range of sizes.

At B&M, we have plenty of briefs, socks and tights too – essential clothing for kids who will now create a weekly mountain of laundry for you!

Lunch Boxes

It can be a very difficult decision for a child to pick a lunch box with so many designs, colours and shapes staring at them in stores – so we’ll make it easier for you both!

If they’re a fan of Trolls then they’ll adore this lunch box. It features a secure bottle holder and plenty of space inside to store sandwiches, snacks and fruit.

If your child is in the Marvel superheroes phase then this Spider-Man lunch box may be more up their street.


With their new lunch box, pencil case and school books, they’ll need a backpack in which to carry it all, but don’t fret – there are plenty on sale at B&M.

This Multi Reversible Sequin backpack is so fabulous we just cannot stop looking at it! Your little one will never stop stroking it to change colour and draw patterns.

If they want to stand out without standing out, try our superb Camouflage Backpack, available in two shades.

Lunch Box Essentials

It's easy for let lunches get a litte our of hand, with the tempatation to fill lunch boxes with crisps, sweets and biscuits all too stong. Wholemeal bread is ideal for sandwiches, offering a healthier alternative to white bread due to its high fibre content and no added sugar.

Spread Utterly Butterly over bread, or try Nouvelle Cheese Triangles as a filling, with some sliced cheese, to create a delicious sandwich.

And why not add a Cheestring to their lunch box with a pineapple Fruit Jelly Pot too to give them plenty of energy for the rest of the school day?

Have you got any back to school tips for fellow parents? If so, let the B&M community know on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!

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