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A Guide to the Perfect Spring Garden

16 March 2020


Early spring is a great time to really get to work in your garden. It’s the season crops begin to take root and the whole of the outdoors starts to come alive, so it’s important not to let this time pass you by.

In this post, the team at B&M explain how to create the perfect spring garden and give your outdoor spaces a boost after the long winter months.

Dividing your perennials

Early spring is the perfect time to give perennials a little attention. In a few months they’ll be back to full size, which can make them difficult to work with.

It’s likely that these plants may have grown together in clumps. If you don’t divide them, they’ll really start taking over, so it’s important to carefully take each clump apart and plant each stem separately.

Laying mulch

A lot of spring gardening involves preparing the ground. Laying mulch or landscape bark will help to suppress weeds and help the earth beneath to retain moisture.

For extra protection, you can also use weed control fabric to make sure each area remains perfect for planting.

Remembering your bird feeders

Winter may be over, but you shouldn’t stop supporting the wildlife in spring. It’s the start of the mating season for garden birds, so they’re bound to be busy. Give them a little energy boost by adding bird feeders to your garden and keeping them full.


It’s likely that you’ll soon start to see those pesky weeds poking back up through your paving, in your lawn and between your plants. Weed killer will work on most, but for others, you may need to get out your gloves and gardening tools.

B&M Top Tip: You’ll also need to start cutting your lawn again! Take a look at our fabulous range of Lawnmowers and keep that grass in tip-top shape!

Starting a compost pile

If you want extra nutrition for your plants, you should start a compost pile or bin.

The material really starts to break down and release nutrients in the hotter summer months, so it’s a good idea to start now. Add anything from grass clipping to eggshells and watch your stash of plant food grow!

Decorating your garden with furniture and lights

It will still be a while before you’ll really need to be on your toes with pruning and weeding, so you may find yourself with a little extra time to spend in the garden. Why not use it to get decorating?

Finding attractive new garden furniture will help the place look tip top when the warmer summer nights come around - plus you can add a touch of style with some lovely lights.

Uplight your favourite features and avoid slips or trips with some ground lights, go for drama (and save energy) with statement solar string lights or add romance to a summer house or awning with a glistening curtain.

Planting spring flowers

For some flowers, the cool season is the perfect climate. Be sure to water them regularly, protect them from insects and keep them topped up with nutritious compost. 

If you’re planning on growing plants from seed packets, now’s the time to start germination! Early vegetables such as lettuce and peas can be started in trays inside before being planted into beds.

You checklist for spring should involve dividing perennials, spreading mulch, feeding wildlife, weeding, composting, decorating and adding new flowers.

B&M Top Tip: Create something beautiful by checking out our range of garden furniture and buildings.

Proud of your perfect spring garden? Share pictures and tips with the B&M Community via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram!

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