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5 Top Tips for a Spooky Night of Trick-or-Treating

26 October 2018

Halloween is almost upon us, which means your little ones will be super excited for a night of knocking on your neighbours doors and demanding sweets ('asking' sorry...politely)!

It is, of course, trick-or-treat time!

But before all the fun starts, there are a few things to consider before heading out to knock on all those haunted houses. Luckily here at B&M HQ we've come up with some helpful tips to make sure you have a fun, safe and spooky Halloween!

Plan Your Route

Before heading out with the kids, make sure you know the exact route you’re going to take.

What you don’t want is to make a wrong turn into a street you're not familiar with, or been to before. Halloween is all about spooky but fun activities, so the last thing you want to do is get lost in the dark!

B&M Top Tip: It’s best to keep to well-lit areas in case any of the little ones get a bit excited and walk ahead. You need to be sure everyone is visible at all times.

Watch Your Child’s Treat Bag 

Halloween is a fun time to spook ourselves in a safe environment. Unfortunately, there are some really really scary people in the world who see Halloween as an opportunity for a nasty prank.

When you knock at someone's door who you may not know, make sure you check what's going into their Halloween Loot Scoops. Some people might place a nasty surprise in your kids bag.

And if your child has any allergies, you'll want to make sure they don't consume anything that might harm them. A quick scan of their loot when you get home will keep them safe.

Glow Sticks on Costumes

Try and incorporate glow sticks into your child’s Halloween costume. With the clocks going back, the evenings are getting darker earlier, so keeping your little one in sight and clearly visible is vital.

Using glow sticks as decorative accessories on their outfit or treat bag is a great way to keep track of them.

B&M Top Tip: Head out in a group, but not too big! Your little one will likely want to go trick-or-treating with friends so make sure they’ve all got glow sticks on too.

Wear Comfy Shoes

Make sure you and the kids are all wearing comfortable shoes. You might not realise it but you could end up walking quite a distance while trick or treating.

Wearing comfy shoes will make the night easier, and won’t cause as much strain and stiffness when you wake up the next morning!

Go Out on a Filling, Healthy Meal

Kids love sweets so trick-or-treating provides them with a wealth of sugar and temptation.

Fill them up with a full, healthy meal before heading out knocking on doors as it will give them less of an urge to feast too much on their sugary haul!

Do you have any trick-or-treat tips for Halloween? If so, let the B&M community know on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!

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