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5 Tips for a Greener Garden Lawn

11 April 2018

Is your garden looking a little worse for wear? If your lawn is starting to look a bit dry or patchy, chances are you just need to do some minimal maintenance on it to return it to its former glory.

As well as cutting the grass, there are a few other things you can do to make your lawn look its very best. Check out our top gardening tips to help you achieve a green and luscious lawn.

1. Remove Leaves & Debris

Firstly, rake any leaves, plant life or debris off your garden lawn so you can mow it and water it properly.

You'll usually find after autumn and winter have passed that your lawn might have become a bit messy. If your garden lawn has any leaves, plant life or debris left on the surface, they'll need to be removed first. This will allow the grass to grow unencumbered without anything damaging the surface.

Gardening tools such as the Rolson Garden Rake will allow you to scrape up leaves off the surface of your lawn without causing any damage to the turf itself. Along with leaves you should also remove any branches, unwanted plant life or debris so you have a completely clear lawn.

2. Mow Regularly

Try to mow your grass at least once a week so it doesn't get untidy. However, don't mow too much as this can damage the turf.

Even though you might not be able to mow the lawn during wet weather, you can make up for it in spring and summer, and start to maintain your garden lawn a bit better while it's dry. In fact, mowing your lawn while it's wet can lead to you damaging the turf even further or turning it into a muddy mess rather than a neatly trimmed lawn - avoid this at all costs!

If you have a smaller lawn, you may want to purchase an easy-to-use mower such as the Flymo Visimo Rotary Lawnmower & Mini Trim Twin Pack, as this will allow you to mow the lawn and trim hard to reach edges too. For a larger lawn, the McCulloch Petrol Lawnmower M40-120 will do the trick. Once you have the right mower, use the following tips to get the best results:

  • Try to keep your lawn trimmed at least once a week during warmer periods as you will find your grass will grow quicker 
  • Start off with setting the cutting height on your mower as high as possible and cutting the lawn once
  • Then adjust it to the next height and go over it again, and so on
  • Make sure you don’t cut the lawn too short as this can damage the turf and weaken the grass overall. This can also scalp the surface leading to unnatractive patchy areas

3. Tidy up the Edges

Once you have main part of your lawn, you might want to tidy up the edges or areas that are difficult to cut with just a mower. The most effective way is to use a strimmer like the Flymo Mini Trim mentioned above, but just like the mower, try to set it at the maximum height before adjusting.

For a bit more accuracy, you can also use tools such as the Rolson Garden Handle Edge Shears that will ensure your lawn has a nice neat edge. Grass that meets paving slabs can make it tricky when cutting the edge, so use the Rolson Edging Iron instead.

4. A Lush Lawn is a Well Fed Lawn

Now that your lawn is looking nice and neat, you'll want your grass looking thicker and healthier. Lawn feed is a great tactic to use when your grass is patchy, looking withered or has been damaged by extreme weather conditions.

Try sprinkling Evergreen Complete 4-in-1 Lawn Feed on top of your grass after you’ve done any mowing. This will make your grass greener and thicker, as well as killing moss and weeds at the same time.

5. Something to Drink?

Water your garden regularly, especially during particularly dry weather. This will stop it from going brown and patchy.

Lastly, you need to water your lawn during warmer periods as this will nurture it and stop it from drying out. If you have used lawn feed, this will also ensure that this gets to work on your lawn, making it thicker and healthier in no time.

Just like mowing, watering your lawn should only be done sparingly, up to a maximum of once per week. While you don’t want to flood your lawn, you also don’t want to leave it for weeks on end without any water if it’s a dry season. To ensure you get an even coverage, try using the Hozelock Superhoze 30m, attaching it to an outdoor or indoor tap.

Have you been looking after your garden lawn? Share all your best pictures over on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for everyone to see!

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