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10 Tips for Packing Hand Luggage this Summer

26 May 2017

Preparing for a holiday can often be stressful – tying up loose ends, getting everyone ready and making sure you have everything you need for a few weeks away can be exhausting. If this sounds like the pre-trip norm for you, we’ve prepared some packing tips for your holiday to make life a little bit easier.

Holiday packing tips from B&M

Organisation is key, and these suitcase packing tips will ensure a seamless transition through the airport so you can board the plane relaxed and in the right frame of mind for a holiday abroad. 

Make a list


A week before your holiday, make a list of everything you’ll need for the duration of your trip. Divide the list into days and write down everything you will need. From toiletries in the morning to a pashmina at night – a mental “walk-through” of your holiday will make sure you have everything covered on your hand luggage packing list.

Toiletries and the 100ml rule

bm-blog-wipesWhen it comes to packing hand luggage, toiletries are an inevitable obstacle. All airports have a liquids restriction of 100ml, and an overall capacity of 1l, therefore make sure all your cleansers, creams, lip balms – even mascara – fit under this limit. Alternatives like facial wipes are a good way of getting around the liquid rules.

Roll clothes


Rolling clothes instead of folding them does two things. It frees up a lot more space and it reduces creasing in clothes. Neatly lay clothes flat, fold sleeves inwards, fold lengthways and roll up. You’ll soon notice the difference this makes.

It’s all about the vacuum storage bags 


Squeeze everything in even more by using these vacuum storage bags. You can place your items inside the bags, seal and then attach your vacuum to the bag nozzle to suck all the air out. You’ll be amazed at how much extra space you have!

Kerb the shoe addiction!


One of the bulkier items of any suitcase, shoes should be restricted to flip flops, trainers or sandals for sightseeing and evening shoes. Wear the biggest pair of shoes for travelling and pack the other pairs into the sides of the suitcase. The area just underneath the retractable handle will have a little extra space – perfect for tucking footwear in.

How to pack a beach towel


Another sizeable item, beach towels are however an important part of a holiday abroad. Roll yours up tight and if you’re bringing belts for clothing, wrap them around the towel to squeeze the bulk even further.

Electronics, leads and chargers


While iPads and smartphones are comparatively compact and sleek, the chargers aren’t. Roll your leads tightly and pack in a roll of socks. To cut space further, share chargers with your travel partner. Also - swap books for an e-reader.

The importance of a sunglasses case


Not only do these cases protect sunglasses, but they're also brilliant storage for other items, like chargers, small ear bud headphones and jewellery.

Leave underwear until the end 

This normally gets packed first, but you should really leave your smalls to the end, as they can be packed into all the gaps available when you’ve put all your other items in.

Finally, your documents


This is the most important item. Get yourself a large wallet for everything you need to get to your final destination. Insurance documents, plane tickets, boarding cards, passports, directions to your accommodation, medical papers. Keep these all together and carry them separately, as you’ll need them to hand at every step of the airport process.

…And one extra tip!

Don’t pack any guidebooks! Most things are available online these days, but if you do see something of interest in a handbook or guide, take a picture of the page on your phone, and you can access it on your phone at anytime.

Do you have any holiday packing tips that you want to share? Join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and let us know!

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