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10 Things You Really Need Know About Valentine's Day

29 January 2018


February is the most romantic month of the year thanks to Valentine's Day. And while it can sometimes be a stressful time of year for couples, it should be a fun occasion!

Have you ever wondered how the day became so famous, or how many roses are given as gifts all over the world? We've got you covered with these 10 fun facts about Valentine's Day!

How Did Valentine's Day Start?

Roman Emperor Claudius II forbade young men to marry as he thought single men made better soldiers during war time.

In the spirit of love, however, St. Valentine defied the ban and performed secret marriages. For disobeying the Emperor, he was executed on February 14th. While in prison, Valentine allegedly wrote a note to the jailer’s daughter and signed off with the words, ‘from your Valentine’.

The Heart Shape Wasn't Always Romantic

Prior to the 14th century, the common heart shape was not a symbol for romance, rather it was known as the anatomical heart, which was widely believed to be humans’ centre of memory. Only until French and Italian artists became championing the idea of romance did the heart become tied to love.

Wearing Your Heart on Your Sleeve

This old phrase came from the Middle Ages, when young men and women drew names to see who their Valentine would be. They would then pin the name to their sleeve for a week so that everyone knew.

Americans Love Candy

According to research from the National Confectionery Association, in 2009 around eight billion candy hearts were produced and sold. That’s enough to stretch from Valentine in Arizona to Rome and back again!

Flowery Gifts

Approximately 50 million roses are given out as a gift on Valentine’s Day around the world. Are you one of the lucky 50,000,000?

The Birth of the Telephone

Famously, Alexander Graham Bell – inventor of the telephone – submitted his patent for the invention on February 14th 1876.

Married at First Sight

There was a superstition in the middle ages that if you were single, you would end up marrying the first single person who crossed your path on Valentine’s Day.

 Romantic Proposals

The average number of wedding proposals on Valentine’s Day is around 220,000 every year. People are certainly picking the right day to do it!

Finland Do It Differently

In Finland, February 14th is known as Ystävänpäivä, which translates into ‘Friend’s Day’. It is a day where people remember their friends and cherish each other’s company, rather than just focusing on loved ones.

Romeo & Juliet

Every Valentine’s Day, in the Italian city of Verona, there are allegedly 1000 letters sent and addressed to Juliet, as that's where the famous fictional couple, Romeo & Juliet, lived.

Do you know any Valentine's Day trivia? If so, let the B&M Community know all about it on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook!

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