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B&M BIG COMPETITION - ONE Chance to WIN a £300 B&M Gift Card PLUS a LEGO Set Bundle!

B&M BIG COMPETITION - ONE Chance to WIN a £50 Peckish Bundle PLUS a £100 B&M Gift Card!

B&M 's Mothers Day Fragrance COMPETITION - ONE Chance to WIN a Fragrance Bundle Worth £308!

Competition News

02 September 2015

The Newsletter Competition Winner for August is...

We are delighted to announce this month's winner of the B&M newsletter competition is...

02 September 2015

B&M's BIG GIveaway - Winner of the Single Bed and Bedside Table

Found out who won the beautiful faux leather single bed and bedside table in this week's BIG giveaway.

19 August 2015

B&M's BIG Giveaway - Winners of the Tower VITA Blenders

Two lucky fans have won the VITA Blenders in this week's competition. FInd out if that was you...

17 August 2015

B&M's BIG Giveaway - Winner of the BBQ Grill

Find out who won the George Foreman BBQ Grill in our BIG Giveaway!

01 August 2015

The Newsletter Competition Winner for July is...

As part of our ongoing signup competition, here is the lucky winner for July.

22 July 2015

B&M Big Giveaway - 2 Bosch Washing Machine to Win

With just one click you could win a brand new Bosch washing machine - Don't miss out!