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Charity News

08 September 2021

Kellie's Charity Skydive for Men's Mental Health Charity

On Sunday 29th August B&M’s Kellie Walters skydived from around 15,000 feet – all to raise much needed funds for men’s mental health charity, Sean’s Place.

07 January 2021

Millions Raised for Mission Christmas 2020

Millions of pounds worth of toys were raised to help children in need for Christmas 2020, making Mission Christmas a huge success!

08 January 2020

B&M Donates £20,000 to Hospice in Chesterfield

B&M has made a sizeable donation to Ashgate Hospice in Chesterfield.

02 January 2020

Millions Raised for Mission Christmas 2019

Millions of pounds worth of toys were raised to help children in need at Christmas 2019, making Mission Christmas a success!

28 November 2019

B&M donation funds lifesaving equipment for ambulance charity

£20,000 donation will fund essential equipment to aid life-saving missions across the North West.

28 November 2019

B&M’s huge donation to help disadvantaged across Greater Manchester

£20,000 donation will support disadvantaged and vulnerable people across the region.

17 January 2019

Millions Raised for Mission Christmas 2018

Millions of pounds worth of toys were raised to help children in need at Christmas 2018, making Mission Christmas a success!

17 May 2018

Colleague’s family clinic saving lives in Gambia

B&M’s Support Office receptionist, Denise Arribaja, has told us all about the wonderful charity that she and her family support.