Cash, credit card, debit card, please use contactless card payments where possible
If you’re searching for somewhere to do your shopping all in one go right in the heart of Sandbach, simply pay a visit to B&M. Not only do we stock all of the high quality groceries and lifestyle items you need to keep your household and day to day life ticking over happily, we’ve also got some beautiful homeware items and fun, useful additional products that you may not have expected to find! Besides all of this, we’re a home store with a garden centre attached, meaning you’ll find DIY equipment, furniture, curtains, paints, plants, gardening tools and plenty more besides in just one shopping trip.
To find us from Sandbach town centre, starting at the Hightown Drinking Fountain roundabout, head east on Hightown. At the roundabout, take the first exit onto Old Mill Road (A533). Follow the road until you reach the next roundabout. You'll need to come back on yourself, taking the 4th exit back onto the A533. Take the first left onto Millpool Way and then go right, 2nd exit to enter the car park.
You can also take the 37, 37A or 317 bus from the station, alight at the Common stop and then walk for around four minutes in a southerly direction, past the Sandbach Crosses, until you find us on Brookhouse Road.
Browse our range of products below - availability varies between stores