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5 Tips for Keeping Kids Safe on Trampolines

17 May 2016

Garden swing sets and slides are great fun but for absolute, unadulterated exhilaration, nothing competes with an outdoor trampoline!

Leisure trampolines are designed for the wildly enthusiastic kind of bouncing that kids are built for, but while you can rely on them to be robust and safe for play, there are a few safety points to consider.

1. Choose the Right Trampoline

Safety guidelines stipulate that large leisure trampolines should only be used by bouncers aged 6 and over.

Smaller children may lack the ability to safely control and coordinate their bouncing movements and landings, but you can help little ones aged 6 and under to learn basic balance and jumping skills with a junior trampoline.

For bouncers aged 6 and over, our 8ft or 12ft outdoor trampolines are easy to assemble and include a range of safety features including durable steel frames and springs which are covered in padding and strong net enclosures that prevent children (and mums and dads!) from falling over the sides.

If you don’t have an enclosure net, make sure there’s at least two metres of space around the perimeter of your trampoline that’s free of obstacles and take care to locate it on reasonably soft, even ground.

Note that while trampolines can withstand most weather conditions, their large surface area makes them vulnerable to catching high winds. To prevent your trampoline from tipping over and potentially causing damage to your property, or your neighbours, tether it securely to the ground.

2. Choose the Right Outfit

Kids don’t need any specialist clothing for trampolining, pyjamas or a Batman outfit are all safe for jumping around in!

However, for general safety and modesty, make sure that their clothing won’t fly up over their heads while bouncing, that they’re light and comfortable enough to allow unrestricted movement and that they’re free of any zips, buckles or jewellery which might snag the fabric of the mat.

If the sun is out (which we hope it will be until at least October!) remember to protect their skin with factor 50+ sunscreen and encourage them to take regular refreshment breaks – bouncing is thirsty work!


3. Agree on Some Rules

Sit down with the kids and agree some House Bounce Rules; by letting them have some input into how the trampoline should be used, they’re more likely to take care and use it responsibly.

Write up a list of safety rules and stick it somewhere that visitors and playmates can see it. It should include:

  • Only one jumper at a time

  • No chewing gum while bouncing

  • No sitting underneath the mat

  • No bouncing without adult supervision

  • …and anything else you can think of!

4. Supervise The Fun

Although trampolines are built with safety in mind, accidents still happen.

Common injuries like sprains and bruises can be caused by awkward landings, but without a safety net enclosure, the risks can increase to include concussions, fractures, and potentially life-threatening head and neck injuries so it’s vital that you supervise your child.

Most minor injuries can be treated with a cold compress and a hug, but if you’re concerned that your child has sustained a serious injury, don’t attempt to move them unless absolutely necessary or you feel confident that it’s safe to do so.

For advice on treating non-emergency injuries call the NHS on 111, or in the unlikely event that your child sustains a life-threatening injury dial 999 immediately.  

5. Improve their Skills

If your kid’s desperate to master some acrobatics, enrol them in a local trampoline class suited to their age and abilities. With training from qualified coaches, they can learn to pull off a range of kicks, drops and flips safely.

Trampolines and a wide selection of outdoor toys are now available to purchase in B&M stores, so get yours and then get outside for some family fun in the garden this summer.



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